Wednesday 28 July 2010

Its turned into a British Summer, Fake Tan at the ready....

Despite the past few weeks of glorious sunshine, I always maintain the role of girl with the whitest legs ever. I don't even know how this is possible, I actually spent a lot of time wearing shorts (and rolled up jeans if I'm caught off guard) just to try and bronze my skeleton legs.No such luck.
This means I am now onto the fake tan ready for Emily's birthday; A fancy dress night around the town of Doncaster. Similarly to Cady in Mean Girls, I believe fancy dress doesn't mean wear as little clothes as possible, I prefer to make an Optimus Prime outfit out of several boxes stolen away from the local supermarket, spend hours designing and painting them and then covering my body with them like a big cardboard shield. Below is me partway through said outfit three years ago.
Apparently, this attire is not suitable for town, so I must wear fewer and smaller items of clothing. Hence, myself as a cowgirl. A mans checked shirt which will be tied around the waist (prompting me to try and tone my belly, no luck so far) and a pair of horribly tiny denim shorts. This is where the fake tan comes into play, if I have to get my legs out for the world to see, I want to look less like skeletor and have a more human colour. Definitely not orange.
One good thing has come out of this though. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOOTS. I am not usually a shoe girl, but even I adore these.

Miss Sixty cowboy boots, they were £130, I got them for £40. What a steal! And they are so beautiful and lovely, I will save them forever and find any excuse to wear them!
I will post photos of the cowgirl outfit nearer the time, I have much toning and tanning to do before then. Sometimes its awful to be a girl, if I was a man I'd just get a big burly six pack, and a beard like Hugh Jackman in the film Australia. Life would be simpler.


  1. Go as Optimus Prime!

  2. I imagine it would be difficult to dance and move around people. And drinking would be very hard indeed!
