Sunday 28 November 2010

"US embassy cables: The job of the media is not to protect the powerful from embarrassment" Simon Jenkins, The Guardian

Lady Gaga's digital sacrifice.

She just came up on my twitter feed. As you can see my last post is now totally irrelevant as she is not playing by the rules. I do not understand.

Tumblr? Twitter? Facebook? Whatever.

The rise of social networking has of course had a huge affect on the lives of millions of people. From my personal point of view, it makes news accessible 24/7 (which can sometimes be a problem, expect another blog at some point about the issues of rolling 24 hour news), it makes it very easy to make contacts, important people can be followed, and it allows us to publish our own opinions with the click of a button, the ultimate in free speech.

 This blog was about to take a different turn, but a feed from BBC News just came up on my Google Reader (oh yes, aren't I technologically advanced!). Alicia Key's has set up a charity called "Digital Life Sacrifice" for World Aids Day. This is where celebrities pledge not to use social media such as Facebook or Twitter until $1 million has been raised. Celebrities taking part include Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and Usher.
What a fantastic idea! The BBC has said that Lady Gaga has nearly 24 million followers on Facebook and over 7 million on Twitter (Looks like Twitter needs to do some advertising to get it up to Facebook's level...). Thats a lot of fan's desperate to hear every output of this woman's mind, and until the charity raises enough money, they are going to be starved of their idol's inner thoughts. Several years ago, this would have been an insane idea, but in our society today, I am pretty sure this will be one of the most successful charity campaigns. That is at least until $1 Million has been raised, then life will go back to normal, and we can all start knowing what celebrities had for tea again.

Saturday 27 November 2010

A review of Sunday Girl and Ellie Goulding live at the Sheffield 02 Academy.

 Sunday Girl then takes to the stage looking particularly windswept and interesting, which almost gives a summary of her set overall. Her first track has a slow introduction but by the chorus it turns into a catchy, upbeat track that gives the crowd something to dance to. The vocal melody is complicated and difficult to follow, which is a great credit to her because it sounds wonderfully creative and difficult, and she pulls it off so well. This melody lingers on in your mind afterwards and reminds me of Blondie’s slower songs, which of course is a great comparison for any female vocalist. However, she seems to be slightly uncomfortable on stage (a problem I’m sure Debbie Harry didn’t have), but this awkwardness is almost enchanting, as it symbolises that this young girl is at the start of her journey on the stage, and she hasn’t let it go to her head. For one track the guitarist ditches his guitar in favour of playing the keys, which in my opinion is only detrimental to the track, and he should stick to what he knows best, as it would bring more to the track. In the third track there is the first big musical moment, which is great because it brings more power to the track which forces Sunday Girl to reach more powerful notes. Unfortunately she seems unwilling to get involved with the crowd, and this shows in the crowd’s reaction, as she receives cheers with no real conviction.
    Ellie Goulding opens with Under The Sheets, and takes to the stage with a huge band complete with backing singers something that is rarely seen these days! She adds extra vocal parts that aren’t on the track which truly shows her talent. Ellie also takes it upon herself to do some of the percussion, mounting the front of the stage and banging a huge drum that has been set up for her, which adds greater depth to the track and shows that she is not a girl to be messed with. She is every inch a star, even more so than I expected. This Love (Will be your downfall) is a track that I had not heard before which is performed fantastically. The lyrics are cleverly simple, and they are sung clearly and soulfully.  One of the highlights of the set is when she picks up an acoustic guitar and plays her biggest single Guns and Horses.  For the first part of the song only she plays and sings, which shows her talent as a musician and allows the crowd to interact solely with her, a moving moment. The track is played in a mellow way until the powerful chorus, where the underlying synth forces the song to new heights.
    Halfway through her set, she and the band leave the stage and a video is played on the screen behind them. The video is Ellie talking about how she is a normal person with normal ambitions. The crowd seem to greatly embrace this video and open their hearts to Ellie Goulding. When she returns back to the stage, she explains how the video is about her journey over the past 12 months, and thanks the audience for taking part, and says how she is “grateful” to have a headline tour. At this point it is pretty much impossible not to be falling in love with the amazingly talented yet down to earth girl that is gracing the stage. The End is an acoustic track that is not on her album, which just Ellie plays acoustically. It is a testament to her talent that she can play guitar and sing so well. The track has a beautiful guitar riff that continues into the second verse, leaving me slightly intimidated by this girl’s musical ability as well as her beautiful vocals. Her cover of Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap is charming because it is rare for artists who are stars in their own right to do covers. Ellie really unleashes her vocals on this track, making it very emotional and powerful.
   As expected, she ends the set with Starry Eyed, another huge single. This track is filled with energy and on stage dancing and I don’t think anyone in the crowd was left standing still. Her energy is infectious, yet this track doesn’t call for powerful vocals, leaving me feeling that it is nearly anti-climatic from a melodic point of view. However, Ellie Goulding has proven to everyone here tonight that she is a star, and I am sure she has a long way still to go. 

Review to be published in Sheffield Music Scene, like will be posted when issue is published.

A slow day.

Much of which has been spent sat in my living room getting caught up with journalism and philosophy notes.

I am not sure if other peoples university courses make them do things like this, but my journalism skills class has prompted me to purchase a Blackberry. Yes, I am not sure how that works either..
We had a great lecture on online journalism. Of course I am on many of the social networking sites (including my much neglected blog...) but it seems I have not been using them to my full potential. So, I have purchased a Blackberry so I can keep more up to date with world news, update my twitter (available at!/lauren_peel) when something newsworthy happens, and if I figure out how on Earth to use Google Reader, I can instantly receive updates on my phone. I should hopefully be able to access my blog as well, so when I am reading my paper over lunch I can share with you the serious stories I have read in The Guardian, and the more, erm, British orientated, entertainment stories from The Sun.

As I am taking a module called "Tabloid Journalism", I have now become an avid reader of the tabloids, and I have no shame in this! Easy to read, and with (some of) the news I need to know! Me and my course mates (Amy and Kate, you may hear lots about them in the future) always have a good giggle over headlines, and see if we can come up with better puns. My favourite so far is when I was writing up a story about how a Landrover had been stolen and had ran over four sheep. I thought this was "baa-baric!". Tabloid gold!

Now, back to work!

Friday 26 November 2010

Worst blogger ever.

Will try to blog on a daily basis!! I know I always say this, I need someone to remind me of my promises!
To be a proper journalist I must make my blog wonderful and intellectual, and also entertaining!

I shall do my best non-existent readers!
If you do exist, feel free to cajole me into writing!!

Thursday 2 September 2010

Stupid Newspapers!!

Now, I'm no Tory, but I am still FURIOUS about the accusations against William Hague and his aide about their "sexuality" and "relationship". RIDICULOUS.

So, two men shared a room together. Apparently, this sparks rumours that they are gay and having some kind of relationship. This makes no sense. Have the journalists who concocted these stories never ever shared a room with someone of the same sex? What Mr Hague said was right, we should be happy they shared a room to save taxpayers money! I know I'd share a room with anyone I worked with to save money, it's just what you do. But no, apparently this means you must be having some kind of affair.

Many people I have spoken to about this story believe Mr Hague is straight, and now due to rumours started on the Internet and then blown out of the proportion in the tabloids, he is now having to defend his marriage and justify his private life to the entire country. Enough is enough with this absurd situation. Perhaps Mr Hague was in the wrong to give a public statement about his personal life; it was this response to the Internet rumours that led the newspapers to create a media storm. If Mr Hague had ignored the rumours it all might have gone away. Nevertheless, he should not be punished for defending himself, his aide and his marriage.

A lot of newspapers and suggesting it must be true because the aide (Mr Christopher Myers) has quit due to the scandal. Although this could appear as suspicious, I think that if I was in the public eye holding a job of such responsibility, I might quit if the British media started accusing me of things that were or weren't true. If Mr Myers is actually gay and, like many gay men, is ashamed of his sexuality and does not want to be openly gay, he may be deeply hurt by this media storm about his sexuality which could force him to resign.

The issue with this story is not whether William Hague is gay or if Christopher Myers is gay. At the end of the day, homosexuality is widely accepted in our society now, and the majority of the British public would respect their choices and decisions. The issue is that once again, tabloids are blowing things out of proportion and invading people's private lives to sell newspapers.

To quote the chairman or Mr Hague's constituency party, Mr Christopher Bourne-Arton; "The tragedy is that [the personal statement] was made necessary by this media feeding frenzy, and I rather wish they'd all go back into the slime pool from which they arose."

Monday 30 August 2010

Has The Music Industry Really "Gone Too Far"?

Quite a while ago now, I mentioned that I had seen an article in the Daily Mail about how pop music is too mature for young children. I have now found this article, check it out using the link below;

Now, Mike Stock may be one of the greatest and most influential men in pop music, and although I respect the experts in this profession, I must say I disagree with his view completely. Being a huge fan of the music industry (and hoping to maybe even one day go into music journalism) I feel that we need some insight into this article that the Mail produced.

Mr Stock believes that today's pop stars, such as Lady Gaga and Britney Spears, are not keeping values that are important in the "modern world". What the Daily Mail does a lot in this article is compare these artists, especially Lady Gaga, to the Kylie Minogue of the 80's, one of the most loved pop stars in history with hits such as "I should be so lucky". This is where my first issue with this article comes in. What are the "values" that are important in a modern world, and how are artists like Lady Gaga and Britney not upholding these values?
     It is vital to consider the changing values of society and of young people in society. This is very clearly mirrored in the way Kylie herself has changed. It is all well and good saying that in the 80's music was more innocent, but is it the pop stars fault or society's fault that music has become more "sexualised"? I am sure everyone over the age of 16 can remember the video for "I just can't get you out of my head" by Kylie, a much more sexualised video. True, this isn't quite as raunchy as Lady Gaga can be, but once again isn't this merely a measure of changing time? Young people aren't as innocent and protected as they used to be, we know about sex, we know about drugs, that doesn't mean we are all out getting our clothes off because of the music videos we see.

   Another issue I have with this article, Mr Stock's line; 'These days you can't watch modern stars  -  like Britney Spears or Lady Gaga  -  with a two-year-old." Maybe this is because this music isn't aimed at two-year-old's. It might be possible that Mr Stock is insinuating that all pop music should be suitable for children of all ages. When Lady Gaga writes her songs she doesn't think "oh I simply must make this child friendly!". She writes what she feels and it just so happens that this music is more suitable for an older audience. If you expect all pop music to be child friendly you may as well expect all music to be child friendly, that is how diverse our charts can be. Can you imagine seeing reports of how people are unhappy because their child listened to Marylin Manson or Megadeth and it wasn't "child friendly"? NO, because different music is aimed at different age groups. If you do not want your child to listen to such music, don't let them, it is that simple.

One of the things that got to me the most about this article was the example the Daily Mail uses to show how music has changed.  It gives us an example of Kylie's lyrics from "I should be so lucky" - "I'm dreaming you fell in love with me...but dreaming's all I do" from the 80's. This is then compared with lyrics from Lady Gaga's "Lovegame" - "I'm educated in sex, yes...I wanna take a ride on your disco stick". While this is clearly more sexualised than Kylie, it is also a very extreme example. Being a fan of Lady Gaga, I know this is one of the raunchiest tracks on the album, which the Daily Mail have used to lead people to believe that "This is what all pop music is like". NO once again! Taking another song from this week's chart, All Time low by The Wanted, sample lyric; "I'm in pieces, it seems like peace is the only thing I never know". This may be more sombre than Kylie, but there is clearly no sexualisation. This is coming from a track that was number 1 several weeks ago, proof that not all the music in the charts is sexualised.

As society changes, the arts change and music changes. Young people may be subject to more sexualised images, but is that necessarily the great evil it is made out to be? For parents of young children, you can stop them watching these music videos, you should be monitoring what they watch, but we cannot expect artists and musicians to change because some mothers aren't happy. And, cynical as it is, at the end of the day The Music Industry is there to make money, and if "sexualisation" is what it takes right now, nothing will stop them.

Saturday 14 August 2010

Domestic duties

Yes, I am ashamed to say I have been neglecting my blogging commitment! I do however have a very good reason for this!
     For all this week I have been left in charge of my house. Apparently this was my chance to become a domestic goddess and learn to live independently. Little did I know how time consuming this is! Washing clothes is fine, shove them in, put it on for an hour, job done! Hanging them out to dry becomes slightly more difficult.
     For example, when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I've been doing this week is to look outside to check the weather. Most mornings my judgement is "oooh it looks nice, sunny, nice breeze... GET THE WASHING OUT QUICK". So I grab my jumper, run downstairs and rush outside in my pyjamas and flip flops, just to get this washing out on the line. Five minutes later, it throws it down. I did not realise how irritating the weather can be when you have washing to hang out.
   However, the weather can also have the opposite affect. Before I went to work on Thursday I didn't hang out the washing, as I was unsure weather wise. Then it was sunny all morning, and I was quite upset, as I knew I had missed my chance. Then around 2pm it rained, and I just thought "HELL YES, I WAS RIGHT, HAHAHAHA". Never had I been happier to see it rain... This is what domestic life does!!
    And as for ironing? Well..... How do people find the time for this? To stand in the same position for half an hour to make sure your clothes are straight? Even towels and socks and things, that no-one sees?! Although it is oddly therapeutic, that is until you get the one t-shirt that you cannot get the crease out of. Oh my, listen to me, I'm starting to sound like a middle aged mother!
    I have also been cooking this week, and so far none of my friends have died! My Toad in the Hole was actually rather damn good, I'm tempted to make it again, despite my recipe being for 4 people, I think I could take it.... I am only cooking for myself this evening, so its back to chicken burgers and sweet potato wedges. Even us domestic goddesses need a rest!

Why did I write this entry? I wanted to justify my apparent lack of commitment! Also, I'm putting together what I hope will be a nice lengthy blog, inspired by an article I read in the daily mirror (not my paper, my aunty's), about how pop music is all about sex and forcing kids to grow up faster etc.. What an age old argument.... I shall get working on that asap! Although I do appear to be drowning in features for Sheffield Music Scene as well!

Off to listen to Taking Back Sunday's acoustic "Live From Orensanz" album. I wish I could review it, but it would be far too bias, albeit a very honest bias. This is fantastic, like all their albums :) 

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Album Review: Nobody's Daughter, Hole, May 2010

Although I have always been somewhat of a fan of Hole, it is never been in a serious way. Previously, some songs have been fantastic, while others have been dire. This of course was before I heard their latest album, Nobody's Daughter. This is Hole's first album in 12 years, since the release of Celebrity Skin in 1998 (which happens to be my second favourite Hole album).
  But what is so different about this Hole album? The riff at the start of the opening title track captures you in the first instance, a haunting melody that lingers in your mind long after you have listened to it. The lyrics are powerful and as deep as ever. The tracks on this album vary from furious (Skinny Little Bitch, How Dirty Girls Get Clean) to songs that will tear your heart open (Honey, For Once In Your Life)

Being a fan of acoustic songs, Honey was one of the first songs that really made me sit up and think "wow, they've really got it on this album". Four simple chords create a sound so sorrowful it sends shivers down your spine, and Courtney Love's variation between almost calm to almost tortured vocals gives this track a wonderful grunge edge despite the acoustic verses. Lyrics such as "Why was I not good enough to save you from destruction? And your end and my beginning they need no introduction" leads us to believe that this track can only be about one certain man...

Another fantastic track on this album is Samantha, the first song that was performed live from the new album on the Johnathan Ross show in February. What I love about this track is it seems to be in 3 separate parts. Part 1, sample lyric "watch her wrap her legs around this world, can't take the gutter from the girl" reminds us of Hole's earlier, more angst-y days, and the way these lyrics are used over more mellow guitar melody makes it fascinating to listen to. Love's vocals specially shine on this track. For anyone who has listened to Hole or Courtney Love before, you may know that she is not the greatest singer ever to grace the Earth, but then again that's not what Grunge is about. It is on part 2 of the track that the vocals begin to give you goosebumps; "through villages of Ether, my Crucifixion comes, Will you sing my hallelujah? will you tell me when its done?". The song takes on a more raw edge with guitar melodies that remind me of an older Hole. However, it is in the third section that we hear the true Hole "grunginess", reminiscent of the 90's and making any girl like me want to go out and show the world who's boss; "If you were on fire I would just throw Kerosene, coz I love so much I hate and I hate what you have seen in me". This song is an ultimate dirty girl power song, if you feeling like getting your rage on or you need to recover from a broken heart,this is what you have to listen to.

This album may be more commercial, and older fans may be angry that perhaps some of the rage isn't there. But now, the songs maintain the rage while actually sounding good. Love's vocals have seriously improved, the guitar melodies are haunting, catchy and in some cases make you want to go out and punch the first guy who causes you trouble. Its not a feminist album at all, but when you're a young girl who needs firing up, Hole will deliver.

If you like Hole, try Garbage - Greatest Hits. 

Monday 2 August 2010


Explain to me how, even though I've been off school for several weeks now, I still don't seem to have much time?
Lets see what this time is taken up with....
  1. My job. But I can't really say this seeing as at the very most I work 2 days a week. If you want to help me at my job, visit and buy things, this way I can package them up for you and this will be good! Seeing as I used to be a cuddly toy enthusiast, when I wrap things for postage, I usuallt end up making clothes for the animals. Last time I made a pink cape for a badger doorstop. I like to think that when the recipient opened the package, they thought "I am SO GLAD she didn't suffocate this badger! Look how warm and cosy he looks in his cape with a hood!!"
  2. Parties. I can't complain about this. I mean, look.

New people, like there always used to be. I like it when new people drink together and become close friends straight away. This was Saturday night, staying up until 5am. I can't even remember what kept me awake until that time in the morning. All I remember is waking up at 8am and thinking "oh no, I need to shower and go to work". The combination of party and work isn't good.
   3.    Writing. I've got seriously back on track with the e-zine I write for, the wonderful Sheffield Music Scene. Check it out at that's the last issue. I'm pretty certain the next issue will just be lots of me. Not being able to say no to things is a blessing and a curse.#
  4. Home jobs. This morning I alphabetised my books. It was very enjoyable! I also have lists to makke for University and the like. And with parents going away very shortly, I have to pick which recipes Im going to cook and potentally kill my friends with.

It's time for more work now. What to do first, make a list of what I'll cook, or prep for a feature?
I wish days were longer. 

Friday 30 July 2010


I am truly terrible at finding time to blog! Work both days this weekend with parties tonight and tomorrow, when will I find the time to write?
I've already promised myself I'll do a review of Hole's (FANTASTIC) new album "Nobody's Daughter", so expect that when there is more time!

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Its turned into a British Summer, Fake Tan at the ready....

Despite the past few weeks of glorious sunshine, I always maintain the role of girl with the whitest legs ever. I don't even know how this is possible, I actually spent a lot of time wearing shorts (and rolled up jeans if I'm caught off guard) just to try and bronze my skeleton legs.No such luck.
This means I am now onto the fake tan ready for Emily's birthday; A fancy dress night around the town of Doncaster. Similarly to Cady in Mean Girls, I believe fancy dress doesn't mean wear as little clothes as possible, I prefer to make an Optimus Prime outfit out of several boxes stolen away from the local supermarket, spend hours designing and painting them and then covering my body with them like a big cardboard shield. Below is me partway through said outfit three years ago.
Apparently, this attire is not suitable for town, so I must wear fewer and smaller items of clothing. Hence, myself as a cowgirl. A mans checked shirt which will be tied around the waist (prompting me to try and tone my belly, no luck so far) and a pair of horribly tiny denim shorts. This is where the fake tan comes into play, if I have to get my legs out for the world to see, I want to look less like skeletor and have a more human colour. Definitely not orange.
One good thing has come out of this though. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOOTS. I am not usually a shoe girl, but even I adore these.

Miss Sixty cowboy boots, they were £130, I got them for £40. What a steal! And they are so beautiful and lovely, I will save them forever and find any excuse to wear them!
I will post photos of the cowgirl outfit nearer the time, I have much toning and tanning to do before then. Sometimes its awful to be a girl, if I was a man I'd just get a big burly six pack, and a beard like Hugh Jackman in the film Australia. Life would be simpler.

Monday 26 July 2010

A declaration of commitment

I must continue with this blog. I want people to rage at me if I do not commit to it fully!
Here is what I intend to use it for;
Music Reviews
Book Reviews
Film Reviews
Comments on the news
General moans/rants about society

It shall be very odd.

Monday 22 February 2010

Gordon Brown - Bully?

The Story

Several people in Gordon Brown's office have contacted a bullying helpine. Christine Pratt, who runs the National Bullying Helpline (NBH) has stated that several calls have been made to the charity from Downing Street staff. Downing Street states that the reports are "malicious allegations" that are "without foundation".
    Both the Conseratives and the Liberal Democrats have demanded inquiries into the allegations, and at a time when a general election is just around the corner, this could have a significant impact on Labour's votes, bullying does not give a sense of "A Future Fair For All".

However, in this story, there are a lot of things to be considered.

First of all, there have been "3 or 4" calls in the last "3 or 4" years, working out at an average of one call a year. This could quite easily be a single opportunity where Mr Brown has lost his temper, or perhaps, in times of high stress in Number 10, where there has been a lot of tension and anger, rather than bullying. The citizens information board defines bullying as "repeated inappropriate behaviour conducted by one or more persons against another or others at the place of work and/or in the course of employment and which could reasonably be regarded as undermining the individual's right to dignity at work." One call a year does not suggest "repeated" actions of any kind.

Secondly, perhaps Christine Pratt should be questioned for breaking the vow of confidence that the NBH offers to the victims of bullying. While it is true that Ms Pratt has not given away the details of the callers, it will most likely be very easy for Downing Street staff to work out who has made the call, especially in the event that Mr Brown has upset members of staff. Surely this can only have a negative impact on staff, who may even be forced to resign, not by bullying, but by their own motives now the story is out.

Finally, why now? The main question that should be asked with any story that takes a long time to come out. The first time bullying was mentioned in Number 10, how far was it looked into then, and why did nothing change? When the 2nd call came, why did the story not come out then? Did the NBH need publicity, and why has it conveniently been announced in the months leading up to a general election?

No doubt many questions will be asked, and only a handful of answers found. Such is political journalism, it may be a long time before we get to the bottom of this story.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Snow Days & Britains Crisis.

It sometimes appears that Britain, although it is an MEDC (more economically developed country) we always struggle and the minor crisis of snowfall. Gritters are running out of grit. People are panic buying necessities such as milk and bread, and who knows how long we have left until boilers break or we have a gas shortage?
   Why aren't we more prepared for this? We spend millions of pounds on science and weather forecasting, if people knew this was coming, why didn't we prepare more? Luckily, at my house we did a lot of stock building of milk and bread (apparently the 2 essential substances we need....?), and now supermarkets like Tesco are closing. After helping to push multiple cars out of the snow and being stuck in traffic for quite a while yesterday, I understand the main problem snow causes is that our cars cannot go. And with grit running out, it looks like we're stuck in the snow for a while.

   However, snow does have its benefits for some. For the hundreds of thousands of students who are off school, for the people who cannot get to work and are having some relaxing time off. Snow also brings a sense of community spirit. You suddenly find yourself grabbing your shovel and helping to clear your neigbours drive, the people you usually just say hello to, if that. You all work together to help the people who are stuck, and all the children get together to build a rather large snowman from the snow you clear off.

I have sympathy for the people who are truly stuck today when you needed to be somewhere. If you needed to get to hospital, or you needed to get to work and you cannot. But there is only one thing we can do. Sit tight, wait for it to blow over (no weather pun intended) and try and have a good time, with your kids, your family, your neighbours, or even just go out for a walk by yourself.