Saturday 27 November 2010

A slow day.

Much of which has been spent sat in my living room getting caught up with journalism and philosophy notes.

I am not sure if other peoples university courses make them do things like this, but my journalism skills class has prompted me to purchase a Blackberry. Yes, I am not sure how that works either..
We had a great lecture on online journalism. Of course I am on many of the social networking sites (including my much neglected blog...) but it seems I have not been using them to my full potential. So, I have purchased a Blackberry so I can keep more up to date with world news, update my twitter (available at!/lauren_peel) when something newsworthy happens, and if I figure out how on Earth to use Google Reader, I can instantly receive updates on my phone. I should hopefully be able to access my blog as well, so when I am reading my paper over lunch I can share with you the serious stories I have read in The Guardian, and the more, erm, British orientated, entertainment stories from The Sun.

As I am taking a module called "Tabloid Journalism", I have now become an avid reader of the tabloids, and I have no shame in this! Easy to read, and with (some of) the news I need to know! Me and my course mates (Amy and Kate, you may hear lots about them in the future) always have a good giggle over headlines, and see if we can come up with better puns. My favourite so far is when I was writing up a story about how a Landrover had been stolen and had ran over four sheep. I thought this was "baa-baric!". Tabloid gold!

Now, back to work!

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